
Madison County Homecoming

I returned to Madison County for a week to promote the new, paperback edition of “Met Her on the Mountain: The Murder of Nancy Morgan.” Events included in-person readings, discussions, and signings as well as a Zoom event at Malaprop’s Bookstore & Cafe in Asheville. 

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The Ponder Brothers

For more than three decades in the latter part of the 20th century, the Democratic political machine led by Zeno and E. Y. Ponder wrested control from Republicans and thereafter controlled pretty much everything in Madison County.

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The Evolution of Madison County

In the years since Met Her on the Mountain was published in 2013, Madison County, North Carolina, has experienced an economic and cultural renaissance.

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Murder Times Two

On April 5, two of my nonfiction crime books will be released: Drifting into Darkness: Murders, Madness, Suicide, and a Death “Under Suspicious Circumstance from NewSouth Books of Montgomery, Alabama, and an updated, paperback edition of Met Her on the Mountain: The Murder of Nancy Morgan from the University Press of Kentucky. 

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Book Club Appearances

I've started appearing at book clubs here in Central Florida, a first for me, and it's been fun to get some direct feedback and support. Several weeks ago, at the invitation of a neighbor, I met with her group at a nearby Japanese restaurant.  The half dozen women...

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Launch & NC Tour

I'm just back from our reading and signing tour of North Carolina. About a week before we left we had a launch party in Orlando at our temple, where we drew nearly 100 -- thanks in part to free food (including my wife's zucchini and banana bread) and a local bluegrass...

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Hello to all

Hello to all. Frankly, I’m new to blogging, but presuming anyone out there has any interest in my comings and goings, at least as it relates to Met Her on the Mountain, I’m going to give it a try. I’ll start right after our book launch party Oct. 8 at the Congregation...

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